Our Family 2019

Our Family 2019
Halsy, Brooke, Cameron, Katey Jane, Landon, and Claire

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Nothing too special....

I haven't posted in a while.....we have been having lots of fun! Walks outside in the sunshine, trampoline marathons, movie watching, family pictures, and so much more.

Katey Jane is sitting up so well! She hardly falls over, but when she does is it epic - gravity takes quite a hold on her sweet cheeks. She is also eating baby food - she likes the veggies most of all, but not the green ones. She is a squash/carrot/sweet potato girl. She even likes them more than bananas!! CRAZY. She is fascinated with her tongue - it is always out! She puts everything in her mouth and she is getting more and more fun each day. She melts everyone she sees and it is fun that I have a "sharable baby". I am still in heaven dressing her each and every day. I recently found a lady who makes hair bows and hats for little girls - EDIBLE. I ordered $30.00 worth of stuff and I know I will order more! Katey Jane wore one of the hats in our family pictures and she looked ADORABLE!

Cameron is talking and learning like a freight train. He is always asking "why" or "how" and it drives me crazy sometimes - most times it is because I run out of answers for his little brain. He is a fast little runner and great jumper - he can do lots of tricks too (somersault, jumps, splits, seat drops). Aunt Jena says he should be a gymnast cuz of his mad skillz! He remains the sweetest boy on earth with his kissable red lips and mezmerizing blue eyes! He has begun to sleep in his own bed at nap time and bed time - and he has stayed in his own bed until 6am for 4 nights in a row now!! He is also potty training and doing quite well. We have had a few accidents and thrown away three pairs of poopied on underpants - but all in all he is getting the idea! He gives me lots of reasons to be proud of him and I am in love with my little guy!

Halsy is still trudging though school and doing pretty well. He is getting good grades and working really hard. He has even brought home some "A"s on his tests lately - which make me very happy! He is enjoying the adjusting classes most of all and the family is also enjoing them, seeing as we get to be the benefactors of his newly attained chiro skills! Our backs and necks have never felt better!

I am enjoying mommytown and working on the side as much as my sanity will allow! I am enjoying going into the office one day a week and this last week was able to clean houses for some extra $$. I am getting very excited for the holiday season coming up and I LOVE that the weather changed and fall is here!! I love wearing sweaters and boots to church! We had our family pictures done last week and they turned out amazingly beautiful! I love them!

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