Hello Friends and Family! I wanted to update you on our lives this past week! Cameron recovered from a horrible cold this week, coughing, runny nose, and sleeplessness! It was not very fun, and it got worse when it became double ear infections. However this week, my baby has returned and is feeling wonderful! We did however revert to him sleeping in bed with us and will have to retrain him to sleep in his crib....not looking forward to the crying again :( There is something to be said for co-sleeping.....but only in short bursts because co-sleeping means no-mommy-sleeping.
We went to go see Dr. Palmer on Tuesday to weigh Cameron. He currently is in the 25th percentile for height and head size, but only ranks under the 5th percentile for his weight, so the doctor wanted to be sure that he can gain weight. Sure enough he did! He weighs in at 16 lbs 10 ounces. Cameron loves Dr. Palmer, he lets him check his ears, eyes, mouth, and nose.....he just sits there and watches his every move! We also go the clear on his ear infections!
We had a lot of fun this week, playing in the gym and building barns for the animals were top priority! Halsy, Jena, and I took the little boys to the park to play on the slides! We explored the trees, pinecones, grass, and bugs! We went on the swings and played on the monkey bars too! Then we took them to get happy meals at McDonalds....Jackson loves his "shrys" (fries) and ketchup!
Driving in the car to the park! Cameron has his binky and holding both ears, he is definately relaxed!

Cameron loved to go down the slide!
So silly!

I loved Jackson's happy face peeking through the slide!
Cameron and I got to go to a baptism on Saturday, which was a blast! It was for a little girl I babysat for a few years! Lots of old friends to see, it was wonderful! I love going to baptisms because it helps me remember my baptism!
I also wanted to update you on Cameron status:
~He says "uh oh", "da da", and "ma ma", he is also pointing at things he wants and saying "de"~He is a speedy crawler, and stair master! If you aren't looking he bolts for the stairs!~ He is currently experimenting with walking. He has taken a few steps, but prefers crawling.~He is the sweetest little thing, he loves to give kisses (big slobbery open mouth kisses) and is an excellent cuddler.
~ He laughs all the time and is a very happy little guy.
~ We have started teaching him some signs and hopefully soon he'll start signing back!
~ He loves to eat cheese, pickles, apples, and hot dogs, and he loves his bottles!
~ He loves to pull all my folded laundry of the table and say "uh oh", also thats how you know he is done with his meal is he will start dropping food off the side and say "uh oh".
~ He is a little thinker, he watches for a long time before he tries something and usually figures it out!
~ He loves everyone, at church he disappears! Everyone holds him and passes him around. I love it, but I miss him too!
So life is still busy as ever for us, but we are getting closer to the finish line every day!
Jackson thinks it is so funny to pull Cam on top of him and pretend that Cam is "getting him"!
These boys love each other! I don't know what we'll do when we move away.....I think we'll all have a bout with depression!