We had a blast on our vacation at the beach with my family. We stayed in a beach house in Lincoln City for 4 days and it was tons of fun!!
We packed the baby gear (which could fill a room by itself) and got on our way. We were right on the beach so we had fun playing. Especially Jackson, we couldn't keep him out of the sand.

We went on a beautiful hike to a waterfall and had a blast!! Cameron did so well, he fell asleep on the way down the trail and stayed asleep in the front pack the rest of the time!! 

We ate tons of candy, cookies, chips, sodas, and any other food we don't normally choose to enjoy. I gained 6 lbs of pure fat, now I have a lot of work to do.....
On our way home we found a hole-in-the-wall restaurant to eat our lunch at and it was so yummy...... it was teeny though and we had to wait outside for a little while, so we bundled up Cameron to keep him warm...we had to cram ourselves into a corner and aound a small table to fit, but it was worth the tight fit. Of course right before the food came, Cameron threw up all over me (Brooke) and himself so we had to do major clean-up in the restaurant.
(So embarrassing)