Our Family 2019

Our Family 2019
Halsy, Brooke, Cameron, Katey Jane, Landon, and Claire

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Intern in the house!

   Halsy officially never has to drive to Gresham for classes again!! We only have to go back for graduation in December. He had a two week break and last week he started his internship in Wilsonville. He gets to work with Dr. Coral and he really likes him so far. He has already gotten to treat some patients. He has his own "office" and starting monday - he will get all the new patients that come into the office. He is learning so much already. In school they don't teach too much about "how" the office should be run - so that has been the most beneficial part of this experience so far. Halsy is really enjoying it and we are excited to be moving forward.

  The next step if for Halsy to find a job. Dr. Coral is not currently in the market for an associate - so the hunt is on for us. We are trying to stay local because we love our life here, but we shall see what Heavenly Father has in store for us!

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