Our Family 2019

Our Family 2019
Halsy, Brooke, Cameron, Katey Jane, Landon, and Claire

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Bath Time

Our little cousins love their bath time!! We get in the bath every night to get ready for bed. IT is so cute, when Cameron hears the water turn on in the tub his legs start kicking and he gets really excited!! He loves to be in the water, baths with Jackson or showers with mommy or daddy. I can't wait to take him swimming because I know he will love it!

Jena's Jackson turned 2 in May and Cameron will be 3 months on the 25th of July. They are so dang adorable! These little boys bring so much fun and happiness to our home!! We don't know what we'd do without them!! Grandpa and Grandma Morin are in heaven having these little people around all the time for kisses and hugs...

Jackson like to help rinse off Camerons bubbles after he gets washed, he is a good helper at filling up the little tub too!!

Here is our little guy in his monkey towel that he uses every night! (Thank you Garzenelli Family!!). We sing songs while he gets his lotion and pajamas on. He loves it, he coos and smiles back at us while we get ready for bed.


  1. I love that Cameron still looks so much like Halsy...but he's clearly starting to look like his mommy, too! <3

  2. How adorable! I'm so happy you started blogging!!!
